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Conference and Journal Paper


Hansoo Lee, Auk Kim, Sangwon Bae, Uichin Lee. 2024. S-ADL: Exploring Smartphone-based Activities of Daily Living to Detect Blood Alcohol Concentration in a Controlled Environment, In Proceedings of the 2024 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems, Slides, (Honorable Mentions paper) DOI:


In public health and safety, precise detection of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) plays a critical role in implementing responsive interventions that can save lives. While previous research has primarily focused on computer-based or neuropsychological tests for BAC identification, the potential use of daily smartphone activities for BAC detection in real-life scenarios remains largely unexplored. Drawing inspiration from Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (I-ADL), our hypothesis suggests that Smartphone-based Activities of Daily Living (S-ADL) can serve as a viable method for identifying BAC. In our proof-of-concept study, we propose, design, and assess the feasibility of using S-ADLs to detect BAC in a scenario-based controlled laboratory experiment involving 40 young adults. In this study, we identify key S-ADL metrics, such as delayed texting in SMS, site searching, and finance management, that significantly contribute to BAC detection (with an AUC–ROC and accuracy of 81%). We further discuss potential real-life applications of the

proposed BAC model.


Hansoo Lee, Sangwook Lee, Youngji Koh, and Uichin Lee. (2023, October). LV-Linker: Supporting Fine-grained User Interaction Analyses by Linking Smartphone Log and Recorded Video Data. In Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. DOI:


Data-driven mobile design as an important UI/UX research technique often requires analyzing recorded screen video data and time-series usage log data, because it helps to obtain a deeper understanding of fine-grained usage behaviors. However, there is a lack of interactive tools that support simultaneous navigation of both mobile usage log and video data. In this paper, we propose LV-Linker (Log and Video Linker), a web-based data viewer system for synchronizing both smartphone usage log and video data to help researchers quickly to analyze and easily understand user behaviors. We conducted a preliminary user study and evaluated the benefits of linking both data by measuring task completion time, helpfulness, and subjective task workload. Our results showed that offering linked navigation significantly lowers the task completion time and task workload, and promotes data understanding and analysis fidelity.










Hansoo Lee, Joonyoung Park, and Uichin Lee. 2023. A Systematic Survey on Android API Usage for Data-Driven Analytics with Smartphones. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR). DOI:​​


Recent industrial and academic research has focused on data-driven analytics with smartphones by collecting user interaction, context, and device systems data through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and sensors. The Android OS provides various APIs to collect such mobile usage and sensor data for third-party developers. Usage Statistics API (US API) and Accessibility Service API (AS API) are representative Android APIs for collecting app usage data and are used for various research purposes as they can collect fine-grained interaction data (e.g., app usage history, user interaction type). Furthermore, other sensor APIs help to collect a user’s context and device state data, along with AS/US APIs. This review investigates mobile usage and sensor data-driven research using AS/US APIs, by categorizing the research purposes and the data types. In this paper, the surveyed studies are classified as follows: five themes and 21 subthemes, and a four-layer hierarchical data classification structure. This allows us to identify a data usage trend and derive insight into data collection according to research purposes. Several limitations and future research directions of mobile usage and sensor data-driven analytics research are discussed, including the impact of changes in the Android API versions on research, the privacy and data quality issues, and the mitigation of reproducibility risks with standardized data typology.


Lee. H, Lee. S, Jeon. E, & You. H. (2017).Effect of Hip Protector Hardness on Hip Impact Force Attenuation. Proceedings of the 2017 Spring Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, 1-1.


Objective: This study was a preliminary study to improve the biomechanical effectiveness of existing soft type hip protector pads with high clinical effectiveness for hip protector design suitable for the Korean elderly body type, and impact force attenuation was identified according to the hardness of hip protector pads during falls. Background: hip fractures of the elderly are diseases that can cause early death by the decline in the quality of life, the increase in economic burden, and the early death caused by complications. To prevent this, Hip Protector is a wearable product that is located in the femoral neck and reduces the load acting on proximal by falls. Currently, most of the hip protectors sold in Korea are imported products that are not suitable for the Korean elderly body type and are sold at high prices. Method: In order to identify the impact absorption effect according to the hardness of the hip protector pad, the hip protector pad is designed in consideration of the human shape of the elderly and is manufactured in seven hardness (Shore Hardness A: 10, 20, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70). After the testing simulator was made to evaluate the impact force attenuation characteristics, the impact force, the impact height, and the shock speed was changed, and the shock of the actual fall was reproduced by impacting the specimen similar to the human shape. In addition, the model considering the geometrical parameter of the hip joint affecting the hip fracture and the force measured during the impact force attenuation performance evaluation were used to evaluate the stress acting on the femoral neck through the femoral impact force (N) and the impact force attenuation effect (% force attenuation). Result: As a result of the evaluation, the hip fracture prevention effect was the highest in the hip protector pad with a hardness of 50 A, and as a result of establishing and analyzing a regression model, the optimal shore hardness for the optimal design of the hip protector pad was derived with a hardness of 46 A. Conclusion: In the future work, using the optimal shore hardness derived from this study, the performance of hip force impact attenuation according to different hip protector pad shape (e.g., thickness, width) can be conducted to optimal design based on the finite element analysis (FEA). In addition, in order to further increase usability, verification studies can be conducted through wearability evaluation suitable for elderly body characteristics. Application: This study can be used to present a methodology for designing a hip protector suitable for the elderly body type by identifying the optimal physical properties of the hip protector pad.

Lee. H, Lee, S, Jeong. Y, & You. H. (2017). Development of Finite Element Model for Impact Force Attenuation Evaluation of Hip Protector. Proceedings of the 2017 Fall Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, 415-415. 

Choi. Y, Lee. H, Oh. G, You. H. (2017).Development of a Swallowing Monitoring Device for Early Screening of Dysphasia”. Proceedings of the 2017 Spring Conference of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 2080-2094. 

Kim. M, Lee. S, Jung. H, Oh. G, Moon. S, Lee. H, Choi. S, You. H. (2017).The effect of a seat motion system on the passive mental fatigue of driver. Proceedings of the 2017 Spring Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, 456-456.

Lee. S, Oh. G, Jung. H, Lee. J, Lee. H, Moon. S, ... & You. H. (2016).A Preliminary Study of the Effects of a Seat Motion System for Reduction of Driving Fatigue. Proceedings of the 2016 Fall Conference of the Ergonomic Society of Korea, 141-141.

Jung. H, Lee. W, Lee. S, Pratama. G. B, Sadika. E. D, Yang X, Lee. H,  Moon. S, You. H. (2016).3D Deformable Template Human Body Model for Ergonomic Product Design. Proceedings of the 2016 Spring Conference of the Ergonomic Society of Korea, 215-215.


Master Thesis


Hansoo Lee (2018), A Finite Element Analysis for the Impact Protection Performance Evaluation of a Hip Protector (Master’s thesis, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea). Retrieved from (pdf), (slides)


Hip fracture due to falls has a great effect on the survival rate and quality of life of the elderly and is known to be the main cause of lowering the quality of life by increasing the medical expenses of the elderly. In addition, hip fractures due to falls are more frequent in females than in males and higher in the age group. There is a hip protector to prevent hip fracture in the elderly. Impact protection performance evaluation based on an impact simulator was performed on the clinical efficacy of the current commercial hip protector. However, the existing impact protection performance evaluation by impact simulator is limited by the time and cost limitations. Furthermore, differences have arisen due to experimental limitations that are difficult to account for differences due to biomechanical factors such as differences in evaluation systems and subjects, human shape, stiffness, and trochanteric soft tissue thickness in experimental design. As a result, even in the case of the same subject to be evaluated, there was a difference in the results in the impact protection performance evaluation. In addition, existing commercial products are limited in that they are not manufactured based on the body size of older women aged 60 or older who have the highest hip fracture risk. In this study, an impact simulator was developed by referring to the recommended guideline of the impact simulator design presented by IHPRG and Robinovitch et al. (2009), impact simulation test by the impact simulator and FEA was performed to obtain the optimal hardness of the hip protector, and the impact protection performance according to the properties of the hip protector was evaluated through impact simulation test by the FEA. Finally, this study can be used as a standard study for the evaluation of the impact protection performance of the hip protector by carrying out the impact simulation test based on the impact simulator and FEA which can complement and replace the limit of the impact simulation test based on the impact simulator.

Pendulum-based impact simulator

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) based simulation

Experimental results of force attenuation (%) according to the hardness (no worn, 10 A - 70A) of hip protector

Identification of effective stress by FEA
in the femoral neck and great trochanter

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